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Our Beliefs
Anchor 1

We believe the Bible is the inspired and inerrant word of God and shows us the purpose and plan for mankind.  


We believe there is only one true God revealed in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


We believe Jesus was completely man and completely God.


We believe that mankind was created good but fell into sin.  The fall of mankind ushered in evil and death in the natural and in the spirit.



We believe the baptism of the Holy Spirit is an experience following salvation that empowers believers as witnesses and empowers us to live holy.


We believe in divine healing that is provided for by Christ’s atonement.


We believe the mission of the church is to seek and save everyone who is lost.  The church consists of those of the local body as well as those around the world in relationship with Jesus Christ.


We believe that Christ will return to the Earth and rapture His church.

We believe that everyone can be brought back into relationship with God by repenting of their sin and trusting Jesus Christ as their Savior.


We believe and take part in two ordinances- Water Baptism after one has repented of their sins and confessed Christ as their Savior, and Holy Communion as a remembrance of Christ’s suffering and death for our salvation and healing.


We believe sanctification starts at salvation and is a lifelong process separating from evil as we draw closer to Christ.

Victory Church operates under the covering of World Outreach Ministries located at 6533 St Rt 327 in Wellston, Ohio.  

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